An Introduction to Seen.Today
How It Started
The idea for a new photography-based site had been on my mind for a couple of years. Two events contributed to setting a real plan in motion. The first was wrapping up my time writing and photographing for after a nearly 15 year run. Then there was the onset of the global pandemic in 2020 which resulted in more time at home for research and launching this site.
Why Seen.Today?
I was looking to build a site that functioned as a visual journal with more emphasis on documentary images than text. The core subjects covered here, automotive, architecture and design are obviously well suited for that. Additionally being New York City-based, there’s a steady flow of events and exhibitions around those topics. However, Seen.Today is ambiguous on purpose to allow room to expand and not be confined to a single category box.
It is also important that the content presented here be all original. There’s enough reposting of press releases and reblogging stories across the commercial sites. My goal with Seen Today is to offer you as close a first person visual experience as possible with some written context.
Is Producing Seen.Today A Full-Time Job?
No. It’s a side project at this point. My primary work is as a design consultant for branded environments and physical retail projects. I’m typically hired as a concept designer to generate ideas. I have a background in car design and graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Art what is now a long time ago.
How is Seen.Today Funded?
By me.
There are no ads, no sponsored posts, no merch, gift guides or recommendations for the next piece of cool clutter you should buy.
Seen.Today aims to carry on the original intent of blogging, the sharing of stories. In the case of this site, visually interesting ones. And that’s done untethered to any corporate editorial restrictions.
Seen.Today runs on WordPress and currently uses a tweaked version of Codestag’s INK theme. I also heavily rely on a number of plugins by Jordy Meow of Meow Apps. They are the key components of what makes posting high-quality images on Seen.Today effortless and he’s helped me more than once smooth out issues.
Dave Pinter
Designer, photographer and writer. For the past 15+ years, Dave’s images and words have been featured in publications including PSFK, Core77, Designboom, Archdaily, Business Week and design:retail.